HR News

Nominations Sought for Advisory Work Group on Staff Climate Matters

Members of the University community are invited to nominate staff members for the Advisory Work Group on Staff Climate Matters, one of the accepted recommendations from the University’s Climate Assessment Planning Committee (CAPC). The deadline for submission is Monday, Nov. 6.

Learn About Excellus BlueCross BlueShield

Open Enrollment is a great time to learn more about the strengths and capabilities of Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, the Syracuse University medical plan administrator effective Jan. 1, 2018. The Upstate New York-based provider offers:

  • Dedicated, local customer service team that will deliver superior member support;
  • Comprehensive health management programs that ensure exceptional patient care;
  • Largest nationwide provider network;
  • 24/7 Nurse Line provides employees with free access to trained medical professionals around the clock; and
  • Comprehensive online and mobile resources.

Learn more on the Open Enrollment website. Update your benefits online by logging into MySlice through Nov. 10.


Contact the HR Service Center at 315.443.4042 or

Skills-Focused Professional Development Opportunities Available

Continuous learning is a hallmark of higher education. The Office of Human Resources is pleased to offer two upcoming professional development opportunities that will help build a skills portfolio vital to career advancement and personal growth.

Dependent Tuition Presentation Is Oct. 19

Benefits-eligible employees with children approaching college age can learn more about Syracuse University’s dependent tuition benefit at a presentation Thursday, Oct. 19, at noon in 304 Schine Student Center.

The presentation will provide an overview of the University’s three dependent tuition programs: SU Tuition Waiver, Cash Grant and Tuition Exchange. The brief presentation will be followed by time for questions and answers.

American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) will be available for each event. If you have requests for accessibility and accommodations, please contact the Equal Opportunity, Inclusion and Resolution Services (EOIRS) office at 315.443.4018.

There is no need to register, but those attending are encouraged to review the Dependent Tuition Benefits online. Employees also may want to review the University’s Dependent Tuition Benefit Policy. The deadline to apply for the dependent tuition benefit is Nov. 15, 2017.

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact the HR Service Center at 315.443.4042 or

Get a Flu Shot Wednesday and Help Health Services Stay Prepared

Photo: Employee receiving a flu shot from pharmacist

On Wednesday, Oct. 11 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Flanagan Gym, a flu clinic will be set up to administer flu vaccinations. This is free for all SU students, staff, faculty and temporary employees with SU ID.  No appointments are necessary.

Open Enrollment and 2018 Benefits Plan Design Information Now Available

Open Enrollment, the annual period when University faculty, staff and other eligible individuals make their benefit choices for the coming year, begins Monday, Oct. 30, and continues through Friday, Nov. 10. This is the only time of year when participants may elect or change coverage for many benefits, unless they experience a qualifying life event.

As previously announced, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield has been selected to administer the medical plans for Syracuse University, effective Jan. 1, 2018. As an Upstate New York-based provider with offices in DeWitt, Excellus was selected as part of a comprehensive benefits review process to ensure employees and retirees have access to an excellent set of options from the highest quality plans.

In an Oct. 2 email to the campus community, Andrew R. Gordon, senior vice president and chief human resources officer, shared information and updates about the Syracuse University benefits package for 2018. Some important highlights include the following:

  • There will be no increase in employee per-paycheck contributions for any University benefit plans for 2018.
  • Members enrolled in SUBlue and SUOrange will not be required to obtain referrals to see in-network providers.
  • Copays for certain medical services will increase by $10. This is the first such increase in four years. An annual in-network deductible will be applied to SUBlue and SUOrange.
  • All copays and deductibles are listed on the University’s Open Enrollment website, including detailed information provided in our frequently asked questions resource guide.
  • There will be no changes to existing deductibles or coinsurance for SUPro. SUPro has no referral requirement.
  • OptumRx will continue to provide prescription drug coverage.
  • The University’s dental and vision plans will have no copayment, coinsurance or contribution increases. In these plans, 2018 is the second year of a two-year commitment, so the only change participants can make is to enroll or remove dependents from the plan, unless they experience a qualifying life event.

Employee contributions for dependent life, supplemental life and AD&D, and voluntary long-term disability insurance will have no rate increases or plan changes. Free will preparation services are included when employees enroll in supplemental life insurance.

Information sessions and office hours are available during Open Enrollment. In addition, on-campus office hours will be held twice per week this fall and into 2018 by an experienced representative from Excellus to assist members with any personal transition questions. All of the relevant information will be posted online at as it becomes available.

Employees who have any immediate questions about Syracuse University benefits can contact the HR Service Center by phone at 315.443.4042 or by email at

Options for Faculty, Staff Vaccination Coverage Expanded; Campus Flu Vaccine Clinic Dates Announced

Annual vaccination is an important step people can take to protect themselves and others from the flu. The Office of Human Resources has announced that University health plan participants may now get flu shots and other covered vaccines at more than 68,000 pharmacies with $0 copay. In addition, several convenient and free on-campus flu clinics for 2017 have been announced.

University health plan participants can now utilize their OptumRx member ID card and receive a flu vaccination and other covered vaccines through OptumRx’s pharmacy network with $0 copay. For vaccines not provided through a pharmacy, members may continue to obtain covered vaccines through their doctor’s office using their POMCO member ID card through Dec. 31.

Beginning Jan. 1, 2018, when Excellus BlueCross BlueShield becomes the Syracuse University health care provider, University health plan participants may use either their OptumRx or their Excellus BlueCross BlueShield member ID card when receiving covered vaccines at a participating pharmacy with $0 copay. For vaccines not provided through a pharmacy, members may obtain covered vaccines through their doctor’s office using their Excellus BlueCross BlueShield ID card.

With the expansion of participating pharmacies, including most national chain pharmacies and independent local pharmacies, health plan participants can identify a participating pharmacy online by logging into or by using the mobile app [PDF].

Campus Flu Clinics

In addition, Syracuse University Health Services and the Office of Human Resources, in collaboration with the Onondaga County Health Department, will continue their partnership and offer free flu vaccines to the Syracuse University community. This year, Health Services will be immunizing with the broader quadrivalent flu vaccine to protect against four strains of influenza viruses.

There are several upcoming opportunities for students, faculty and staff to get the flu vaccine on campus. Plan to stop by to get your vaccine to maximize your protection throughout the flu season.

For faculty and staff:

  • Thursday, Sept. 14, at a Benefits Fair, 11 a.m.-2. p.m., Flanagan Gymnasium (Graduate assistants and retirees are welcome to attend the fair and receive a free flu vaccine.)
  • Wednesday, Oct. 11, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Flanagan Gymnasium
  • Monday, Oct. 23, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Skytop Office Building, large conference room (second floor)
  • Wednesday, Oct. 25, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Miron Special Events Room, 303 Newhouse 1

For undergraduate and graduate students with an active SU ID:

  • Wednesday, Oct. 11, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Flanagan Gymnasium
  • Students will receive email notification about additional clinics that will be set up at Health Services, as well as various residence halls around campus.
  • Flu vaccinations are also available to students at the pharmacy at Health Services on a walk-in basis.

Individuals must present an SU ID at the clinic to receive the vaccine. Temporary employees may show an alternate picture ID. No appointments are necessary.

For general questions about the flu vaccine or if you are a student with questions, please call SU Health Services at 315.443.9005. Faculty and staff may contact the University Wellness Initiative at 315.443.5472 or or the HR Service Center at 315.443.4042 or with any questions.

Employee Appreciation Day is Sept. 16 at the Dome

Syracuse University celebrates Employee Appreciation Day with $5 football tickets at the Dome on Saturday, Sept. 16 when the Orange takes on Central Michigan at 3:30 p.m. Employees and their guests are invited to the Shaw Quadrangle prior to the game to enjoy the Pride of the Orange Marching Band performance and food and beverage concessions.

The first 500 faculty and staff with an SU ID to visit the pre-game Human Resources tent  on the Shaw Quadrangle will receive a game day gift and a $5 concession coupon.

Prior to the game, a drawing will be held to invite employees to enjoy the game with game day guests in a private suite at the Dome. Another drawing will be held to invite up to 20 employees and their guests to the turf at Legends Field before the game.

In addition to welcoming alumni back to campus for Coming Back Together weekend, the game day theme is ‘Medical Appreciation Day,’ which will include a celebration of all medical professionals throughout the day.


The Syracuse University employee ticket price is $5 and employees are invited to purchase up to 10 tickets at that price with an SU ID. Employees may purchase tickets online through a MyCuse Account, in-person at the Dome Box Office, or over the phone by calling 315.443.2121 (press 2). Tickets can be purchased until the day of the event. The first 1,000 tickets purchased will be on the lower level of the Dome.


A University parking permit will be honored for free game day parking at the Skytop parking lot. One complimentary Skytop parking pass for faculty and staff (for those without a University permit) will be available Sept. 13-15 at the Office of Human Resources with proof of an Employee Appreciation game ticket and SU ID.

Share Your Orange Spirit

Employees can share game day photos on social media for a chance to appear on the Dome videoboard using #CuseGameDay. For questions about Employee Appreciation Day, please call the HR Service Center at 315.443.4042 or email For questions about football tickets, please call the Dome Box Office at 315.443.2121.

Supervisor Resource Sessions and Faculty and Staff Assistance Program Orientations Sept. 7 and Oct. 17

As part of the University’s ongoing effort to offer professional development opportunities, Carebridge will be on campus Thursday, Sept. 7 and Tuesday, Oct. 17 to promote awareness about the benefits of the Syracuse University Faculty and Staff Assistance Program.

Carebridge Senior Vice President Mary Dougherty-Hunt will welcome faculty and staff at the Hall of Languages, Room 500 on September 7 for a variety of services and support that includes:

  • Supervisor Resource Sessions, 9:30-10:30 a.m. and 2:30-3:30 p.m.
    This session will ensure supervisors are fully aware of the supervisor resources and tools available through Carebridge as well as how to effectively communicate this benefit to their staff. Registration required.
  • General Orientation of the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program, 11-11:45 a.m. (no registration required)
    This presentation will provide an overview of the confidential resources and services provided through Carebridge that support the emotional well-being, work-life balance, and personal resilience of eligible members of the campus community. No registration required
  • Meet and Greet, 12:15-1 p.m. (no registration required)
    Stop by for a casual conversation; bring your questions about the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program or to pick up educational materials at the promotional table.

Benefits-eligible members of the Syracuse University community are invited to attend one or more of these upcoming sessions to learn more about the integrated, accessible, confidential support services available through Carebridge.

The full suite of Carebridge’s comprehensive services including a broad network of independent, licensed counselors available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, online and telephonic support in a variety of work-life areas, as well as online resources at; (the University’s access code is: WY6CE)  are available to all those eligible to participate in the University’s medical plan, including benefits-eligible faculty and staff, graduate assistants and retirees, as well as their dependents.

For your convenience, Carebridge will offer a similar day of programming including Supervisor Resource Sessions, General Orientations and an opportunity for Meet and Greet on Oct. 17.  For complete details visit

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Selected as New Administrator for Syracuse University Medical Plans

Earlier this year, Syracuse University conducted an annual review of health care benefits to ensure high-quality coverage, excellent customer service and competitive rates. As part of this exercise to foster institution-wide excellence, the Office of Human Resources began reviewing and assessing the University’s current medical plans and exploring new coverage opportunities to ensure employees and retirees have access to the highest quality plans. After receiving extensive feedback from health care experts, along with the University’s Benefits Advisory Council, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield has been selected to administer the medical plans for Syracuse University, effective Jan. 1, 2018.

As an Upstate New York-based provider with offices in DeWitt, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield was selected because of its many strengths and capabilities, including:

  • Dedicated, local customer service team that will deliver superior member support;
  • Comprehensive health management programs that ensure exceptional patient care;
  • Largest nationwide provider network, with the following highlights:
    •  96 percent of hospitals and 92 percent of physicians contract with BlueCross BlueShield organizations nationwide
    • An international network that provides members with access to doctors and hospitals in 200 countries
  • 24/7 Nurse Line provides employees with free access to trained medical professionals around the clock; and
  • Comprehensive online and mobile resources.

“The selection of Excellus as the administrator of our plans is the result of a very collaborative approach involving dedicated employees who are committed to a competitive benefits package,” says Andrew R. Gordon, senior vice president and chief human resources officer. “The decision was based on many factors, including Excellus’ exceptional provider coverage, dedication to customer service, overall value to our employees and its local roots.”

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield is committed to providing Syracuse University the highest level of customer service. To further this commitment, a seasoned and knowledgeable representative from Excellus will hold office hours on campus twice a week to assist members with any medical plan inquiries. These office hours will commence Oct. 30 – Nov. 10 during Open Enrollment, and will continue into 2018 to ensure that members are receiving the highest level of service and to ensure a seamless transition.

“The Benefits Advisory Committee explored medical coverage opportunities to make sure the University can continue to offer affordable and high quality health plans. The committee was broadly representative of the University Community and engaged in spirited discussion to understand options and make solid recommendations about the University’s medical benefits, which are so important to our employees,” says Maxwell School Professor of Practice Thomas Dennison. “Excellus’s proposal included a powerful provider network and demonstrated a clear commitment to customer service. I’m confident that this was a well-considered and good decision.”

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, as well as many other University benefits providers will be on site at the Benefits Fair on Thursday, Sept. 14, from 11 a.m.-2p.m. in Flanagan Gymnasium. Employees and retirees are encouraged to attend to discover the many resources available to them as part of their comprehensive benefits package.

“We’re thrilled that Syracuse University has selected Excellus BlueCross BlueShield as its health insurance provider,” says Jim Reed, Excellus regional president, Central New York. “As a local employer, we are looking forward to partnering with the University to provide their employees and families access to high-quality, affordable health care.”

Additional transition information will be available through Open Enrollment communications that will be forthcoming during the fall semester.

Should you have any questions on this change, or any of the other University benefits, contact the HR Service Center during normal business hours at 315.443.4042 or via email at