HR News

University to Operate on Reduced Schedule During Green Days

The University will be operating under its Green Days and reduced occupancy schedule format for the Winter Break period froPhoto: Winter view of Crouse-Hinds Hallm 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 22, through Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2018.

Request for Building Access:During the Holiday/Green Days period:
• All academic and administrative buildings will be locked or closed.
• Building temperatures will be lowered to 60 degrees, unless prior arrangements have been made.

If you require your building to be open over the Winter Break/Green Days period, please submit a request to your building coordinator, noting the specific dates and times. Requests should be made by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 19. (Note that faculty and staff will be able to access all buildings, as usual, by swiping their SU I.D. cards, even when the buildings are locked.)

Request for Adjustments to Temperature and Lighting:
Deans, directors and department heads may submit a detailed request for adjustments to temperature and lighting during the Winter Break/Green Days period. Please review the University’s temperature guidelines. We ask that requests be made using the online form by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 19. Requests will be reviewed and approved by either the vice president and chief facilities officer or the provost.

Important: Buildings Not Included in Winter Break Reduced Occupancy Schedule
Due to academic and research needs, the following buildings will be excluded from the temperature setback, and will remain on normal access, temperature and lighting settings:
• Heroy Geology Laboratory
• Bowne Hall—Fourth Floor
• Lyman Hall—Fourth Floor
• Sims Hall—Department of Public Safety
• Center for Science and Technology
• Bird Library—Operating hours are listed on the library website.
• Life Sciences Complex
• Link Hall
• Physics Building
• Women’s Building

Additional information regarding Winter Break/Green Days services and resources may be found at:
• University services available during Winter Break/Green Days:
• HR Winter Break/Green Days info:
• Winter Break/Green Days FAQ:

Questions on building occupancy can be directed to the Department of Energy Systems and Sustainability Management, 315.443.6195 or

Thank you for your continued support of the University’s sustainability initiatives.

Employee Discount Tickets Available for Dec. 27 and 31 Men’s Basketball Games

In support of all the great work of the University’s faculty and staff, Human Resources is partnering with Syracuse University Athletics to offer employee appreciation discount tickets to two upcoming men’s basketball games.

The discount tickets will be available for the following games:

7 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 27: SU vs. Eastern Michigan, $5 ticket

6 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 31: SU vs. Virginia Tech (first conference game), $10 ticket


Faculty and staff are invited to purchase up to eight tickets for each game at the identified price with their SU I.D. Employees may purchase tickets online using the promotional code/password SUEMPLOYEES; online through a MyCuse Account; in-person at the Dome Box Office or over the phone by calling 315.443.2121 (press 2).


A University parking permit will be honored for free game day parking at the University Avenue Garage, Booth Garage and Manley Field House North parking lot.

Some parking permits (for employees who do not already have a permit) to park at Manley North will be available for both games. They may be picked up at Skytop, with an SU I.D. and proof of ticket for the game, on Dec. 18, 19 and 20.


The first 100 employees to sign up will receive a free hat. Instructions on how to pick up the hat will be emailed prior to game day.

Share Your Orange Spirit

Employees can share game day photos on social media for a chance to appear on the Dome videoboard using #CuseGameDay.


Call the HR Service Center at 315.443.4042 or email For questions about basketball tickets, call the Dome Box Office at 315.443.2121.

Important Benefits Information and Deadlines

Don’t forget about important information and benefits application deadlines for faculty and staff:

Child Care Subsidy

The child care subsidy—$1,000 per child younger than age 6, up to a maximum of $2,000 per year—is available to eligible faculty and staff with gross household incomes of $100,000 or less. Applications [PDF] are due to Human Resources by Friday, Dec. 8.

Reduced Medical Contributions

Depending on an employee’s household size and income, reduced medical contributions are available through Schedule B. Learn more online and apply by Friday, Dec. 8.

Supplemental Life Insurance and Long-Term Disability

If you chose to enroll or increase your supplemental life insurance, please remember to complete your statement of health. If you chose to enroll in long-term disability insurance, please remember to complete your medical history statement.

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield

As a reminder, Excellus BCBS will be the University’s medical plan administrator effective Jan. 1, 2018. If you elected to enroll in the University’s medical plan effective Jan. 1, you will receive a welcome packet at the permanent address you have on file with the University as recorded in MySlice. This welcome packet will include two member ID cards with your name on both.

In addition, each dependent who is over the age of 18 and is enrolled under your plan will also receive a welcome packet with two member ID cards at their home address as recorded in MySlice. If you cover any dependents under the age of 18, please provide your ID card to their provider when they seek services. If you have not received your cards by Dec. 15, please contact Excellus BCBS at 800.493.0318 (TTY/TTD: 800.662.1220) to request a new card. Please refer to the comprehensive set of FAQs for additional information regarding the transition to Excellus BCBS and 2018 benefits.


Please visit the benefits website or contact the HR Service Center at 315.443.4042 or

New Paid Family Leave Benefit for Staff Effective Jan. 1

With a new law taking effect in 2018, Syracuse University is working to stay ahead of changes and ensure employees know and understand their benefits. Beginning Jan. 1, 2018, new benefits are available with the passage of the New York Paid Family Leave (NYPFL) law, providing paid leave for eligible staff members to bond with a new child, care for a family member with a serious health condition or prepare for a family member’s call to active military service. Relevant information has been posted on the Human Resources website.

Summary of the New Paid Family Leave Benefit:

Staff and student employees, including graduate assistants, working in New York State are eligible if they meet the following requirements:

  • If a regular work schedule is 20 or more hours per week, an employee is eligible after 26 consecutive weeks of employment.
  • If a regular work schedule is less than 20 hours per week, an employee is eligible after working 175 days.
  • New York’s legislation establishing Paid Family Leave does not apply to those working in a teaching capacity. Faculty continue to be eligible for leaves of absence and paid parental leave benefits, and may request administrative leave through their departments, as appropriate.“Syracuse University provides several kinds of leave to assist faculty, non-academic staff and other eligible employees in balancing the demands of the workplace with their personal needs,” says Andrew R. Gordon, senior vice president and chief human resources officer. “Our human resources team is prepared and ready to assist employees who may have questions to help them maximize their available benefits.”Under the new law employees are provided several benefits, including:
    • wage replacement for eight weeks of leave at 50 percent of pay (up to 50 percent of the state’s average weekly wage), increasing to 12 weeks and 67 percent pay in 2021;
    • job protection upon return from Paid Family Leave; and
    • continuation of health insurance while out on Paid Family Leave.

New York State specified that the Paid Family Leave Program is employee-funded, and that employers shall collect an employee contribution through a payroll deduction determined annually by the New York State Department of Financial Services. In 2018, the rate will be 0.126 percent of an employee’s average weekly wage, capped at $1.65 per week.

Resources and Training

  • Several upcoming information sessions are available. The state continues to clarify the regulations. Human Resources will continue to update the website as further information becomes available. Additional information can be found on the New York State Paid Family Leave website.

Timeline Moving Forward

  • New York’s timeline calls for a phased rollout over four years, with the benefit level starting at eight weeks, 50 percent pay in 2018 and reaching 12 weeks, 67 percent pay in 2021. Employees do not need to take any action to enroll in this coverage and the benefits will be available beginning Jan. 1, 2018.

Questions about Paid Family Leave

Advisory Work Group on Staff Climate Matters Formed

The new Advisory Work Group on Staff Climate Matters will begin meeting this month to address areas identified by staff in the Universitywide survey Climate Assessment Survey conducted during the Spring 2016 semester. Staff participating in the advisory work group include a broad representation across the campus from schools, colleges and administrative units at many levels.

Throughout the academic year, the advisory work group will examine and form recommendations on staff-related issues identified in the survey. Topics that may be addressed include staff morale, staff retention, career pathways and training opportunities, as well as avenues for addressing confidential matters.

The advisory work group will work with Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer Andrew R. Gordon. “Staff, along with faculty and students, are an important part of the University community. They undertake many crucial responsibilities that are vital for the institution’s continued success,” Gordon says. “I look forward to engaging with this dedicated team to identify ways of improving our community and address the issues raised in the climate survey.”

 Some 6,000 students, faculty and staff participated in the survey. Formation of the Advisory Work Group on Staff Climate Matters was one of five recommendations presented by the University’s Climate Assessment Planning Committee and approved by Chancellor Kent Syverud as an outcome of the survey project.

 Advisory work group members are:

  • Rebecca Bostwick, managing director of the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
  • Susan Dean, office coordinator in the Martin J. Whitman School of Management
  • Patrick Kelly, parking services technician in Parking & Transit Services
  • Amy Kennedy, academic advisor for the International Relations Program in the Maxwell School
  • Heather Ketcham, operations specialist in the physics department in the College of Arts and Sciences
  • Joseph Lee, director/general manager of WAER
  • Laura Marra, administrative assistant in the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics
  • Joseph O’Connor, community services officer in the Department of Public Safety
  • Craig Powers, machine repair technician in Physical Plant
  • Pamela Peter, assistant dean and director of the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities in the Division of Enrollment and the Student Experience
  • Rob Pusch, interim director of the LGBT Resource Center

Syracuse University Community Invited to Help Make Holiday Season Brighter for Local Families

Photo: people wrapping gifts for holiday giving

The employee Holiday Sharing Program is again partnering with PEACE Inc.’s Adopt-a-Family Program and the Salvation Army’s Christmas Bureau to make the season brighter for local families. University departments and groups are invited to register now to participate in the program, which provides gifts, food, toys and more to families in need.

Visit the University’s Holiday Sharing website for full details on each program and to register your group or department to participate. The deadline for departments to sign up is Friday, Nov. 17. The online form to sign up for the program can be accessed here.Participation options through PEACE Inc. include purchasing gifts for an assigned family, providing a basket of household supplies or donating food. PEACE Inc. will assign families to participating departments. Individuals, departments or groups may also elect to donate food or toys to the Salvation Army. The items will be distributed at the organization’s annual Christmas Bureau event at ShoppingTown mall.

The Syracuse University Holiday Sharing program is voluntary. In 2016, 31 University departments participated in Holiday Sharing. Their efforts provided food and gifts for 28 families in the Syracuse region and an additional 10 baskets of food, toiletry items and grocery store gift cards.

Open Enrollment Has Ended – Don’t Forget Important Application Deadlines

Child Care Subsidy

The child care subsidy—$1,000 per child younger than age 6, up to a maximum of $2,000 per year—is available to eligible faculty and staff with gross household incomes of $100,000 or less. Applications [PDF] are due to Human Resources by Friday, Dec. 8.

Reduced Medical Contributions

Depending on an employee’s household size and income, reduced medical contributions are available through Schedule B. Learn more online and apply by Friday, Dec. 8.

Supplemental Life Insurance and Long-Term Disability

If you chose to enroll or increase your supplemental life insurance, please remember to complete your statement of health. If you chose to enroll in long-term disability insurance, please remember to complete your medical history statement [PDF].


Please visit the benefits website or contact the HR Service Center at 315.443.4042 or

Open Enrollment Ends Tomorrow: Don’t Miss Out

Tomorrow, Friday, Nov. 10, is the last day to make your benefit selections for 2018.

This is your opportunity to:

Learn more about your benefits at


Contact the HR Service Center at 315.443.4042 or

Learn About the Valuable Benefits Available to You

Open Enrollment is a good time to learn about the total rewards for working at Syracuse University. The following benefits are available all year long at no cost to you:

Carebridge Work-Life Resource

Through our Faculty and Staff Assistance Program partner, Carebridge, counselors are available anytime for confidential consultation, assessment, and referrals at no cost to you. Some of the helpful work-life benefits include financial experts, work-life services, counseling benefits and money management specialists.

Financial Planning Services

Your benefits provide you with free financial advice from a TIAA consultant to help you plan for your future. Call 855.842.CUSE (2873) to set up an appointment for personalized investing advice. You can adjust your contributions any time of year, but it’s easy during Open Enrollment because you make the changes through MySlice.

Will Preparation Services

If you already are enrolled in or are considering supplemental life insurance through MetLife, remember that with enrollment, you can take advantage of will preparation services at no cost.

Emergency Travel Assistance

Supplemental AD&D enrollees have access to a variety of travel concierge services, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year free of charge.


Visit the Open Enrollment website or contact the HR Service Center at 315.443.4042 or

Flexible Spending Account: A Great Way to Save Money

You can save hundreds of dollars in taxes through effective use of a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for health or dependent care expenses–and WageWorks makes reimbursement easy. You must sign up during Open Enrollment to elect the FSA benefit and set your 2018 contribution level.

Learn more on the Open Enrollment website: Update your benefits online by logging into MySlice through Nov. 10.


Contact the HR Service Center at 315.443.4042 or