HR News

Q&A: Bea Gonzalez on SU Employment Opportunities Workshop at the Warehouse

Office of Human Resources Talent Acquisition Managers Sharon Cole and Jose Miguel Longo met recently with community members for an employment information workshop at the Nancy Cantor Warehouse. The purpose was to educate those in attendance about Syracuse University’s online application process and encourage them to apply for open positions. We asked Vice President for Community Engagement Bea Gonzalez about how the event came about and plans for more like it.

Redesigned OptumRx Member Portal Improves Patient Management Experience

OptumRx, the prescription drug benefit manager for employees and dependents enrolled in Syracuse University health plans, has redesigned their member portal to enhance a member’s online experience. The new features allow users to more easily manage prescriptions and be more informed about their health care.

All members can register for access to the new portal and tools at  Members who previously registered for access to the secure online member portal will need to re-register to get a new Optum ID.

Some of the enhancements include:

  • My Medicine Cabinet displays at-a-glance actions a member needs to take for all their medications;
  • Order Status allows members to track a home delivery order status, view estimated delivery dates and set notifications when an order is on hold;
  • The Proactive Savings Messaging advocates for members by providing proactive ways to save; and
  • The ability to request a new prescription at home delivery or to transfer retail prescriptions to home delivery

In addition, members can more thoroughly compare drug prices among five pharmacies with the drug-pricing tool and household access gives members the ability to manage prescriptions on behalf of family members.

OptumRx is continuing to add new features to the member portal throughout 2017 and 2018, including more integration of specialty prescriptions filled through BriovaRx.

Please contact OptumRx customer service at 866.854.2945 if you have questions about this new online experience and share your feedback with the HR Service Center at 315.443.4042 or email

Syracuse University, AU Confirm New Three-Year Agreement

Employees of Syracuse University, who are members of the Adjuncts United Union (AU), approved a three-year contract on May 31 covering approximately 600 University part-time faculty.

“Adjuncts United is very pleased to have a newly ratified three-year agreement in place, and we remain committed to working together for continued clarity within the unique higher education employment relationship our membership shares with the University,” says Adjunct United President Laurel Morton. “I believe all campus community members will benefit from the mutual respect demonstrated on both sides during this process.”

The package approved by the AU members included:

  • an increase in funding allocated for professional training and career development;
  • a workspace utilization and optimization plan to facilitate part-time faculty’s ability to perform teaching-related duties and enhanced student interaction;
  • a supplemental teaching load review for assignments lasting longer than eight weeks;
  • an opportunity for a multi-year appointment for faculty who have completed 14 consecutive semesters of teaching; and
  • a guaranteed two percent wage increase annually over the contract’s three-year term.

“This contract demonstrates how much we value the contributions of our part-time faculty,” says Andrew R. Gordon, senior vice president and chief human resources officer. “We were able to identify important workplace enhancements and better align our employees’ needs with the marketplace. I am grateful that both sides worked together in good faith to reach an agreement.”

The new contract will run from 2017-2020.

On My Own Time Winners Selected

This year, the On My Own Time exhibition featured artwork from nearly 40 faculty and staff members ranging from paintings, ceramics, drawings, sculptures, photography, collage/assemblage, fiber art, glasswork, computer art, metalwork and mixed media. Members of the University community voted from April 28-May 17 for a favorite piece of art and a panel of professional artists assembled by CNY Arts served as judges for the works to be featured at the Everson Museum.


The selected artwork that will be featured in a public exhibition at the Everson Museum this fall includes:

Richard Breyer–“Mozart in Color”

Fred Wellner–“The Clear-Eyed One”

Philip Arnold–“In Case of Emergency–Break Glass”

Joseph Stoll–“Spring Break”

Peter Irvine–“For They Shall See”

Stephanie Parks–“A Good Egg”

Ronna Schindler–“Camouflage”

Julie Hall–“Balancing Bird II”

Laura Wellner–“”Going wit the Flow”

Scott Samson–“Stepladder Mountains”

Popular Vote: Johnny Yinger, “Koaville”

Photo: Popular vote winner "Koaville" by Johnny Yinger

Artwork that will be included in the CNY Arts Catalog: Joseph Stoll, “Spring Break”; and Julie Hall, “Balancing Bird II”

In April 2018, the On My Own Time exhibition will commemorate 45 years of celebrating the arts in the Syracuse community and continuing to recognize the artistic works of faculty and staff.

To read more about this year’s entries in the On My Own Time exhibition, go to SU News.

Photo: black and white photo of mother kissing her smiling baby

Benefits Advisory Council Reviews Benefit Offerings

Since its first meeting in October 2016, the Syracuse University Benefits Advisory Council has discussed a range of health care topics—from campus vaccine schedules to health care trends—and focused on an understanding of the University’s overall benefits plan. As an advisory group, the council is part of the University’s commitment to foster institution wide excellence, provide employees with a voice in benefits discussions across the entire organization and support progress of the Academic Strategic Plan’s theme of One University.

In addition to understanding the health care benefits and retirement plans currently offered to employees, the council explored potential enhancements and refinements to the plans, as well benchmarking studies to help the University remain competitive. With the March 2017 acquisition by United Healthcare of the current plan administrator POMCO, the committee explored and provided input on the request for proposal process to find the University’s next benefit administrator.

“The strength of the committee comes from its broad representation of individuals from across the University that are affected by the benefits,” says Maxwell School Professor of Practice Thomas Dennison. “The team shared clear information and listened to the feedback from the group. The council provided a good sounding board for the definition of a solid set of affordable, competitive benefits for the University.”

The council members, which include faculty, staff and students, are:

  •  Stephen Block, assistant dean for administration, iSchool
  •  Nina Brown, assistant professor, Newhouse School
  •  Fiona Chew, professor, Newhouse School
  •  Thomas Dennison, professor of practice, Maxwell School
  •  Andrew R. Gordon, senior vice president and chief human resources officer (chair)
  •  Rajesh Kumar, president, graduate student organization
  •  Eileen Lantier, senior associate dean and associate professor, Falk College
  •  Rebecca Mitchell, reconciliation audit coordinator
  •  Chuck Morris, department chair and professor, College of Visual and Performing Arts
  •  Brian O’Connor, supervisor, Physical Plant
  •  Craig Powers, machine repair technician, Physical Plant
  •  Melissa Rashford, administrative specialist for enrollment management
  •  Yudaisy Salomon Sargenton, administrative secretary, College of Arts & Sciences
  •  Derek Seward, associate professor, School of Education
  •  Amy Sloane-Garris, executive director of graduate programs

“This was an excellent opportunity to listen and build understanding around the complex benefits arena. Our council better understands the priorities of our employee population related to benefits and costs,” says Ann Verillo, director of benefits strategy. “Our discussions provided insights about our comprehensive benefits package, marketplace changes and trends to consider.” The council will continue to meet during the summer to further discuss the University’s benefits offerings.

‘Salute to Service’ Celebrates Milestone Anniversaries of 147 Faculty and Staff

Syracuse University honored employees who celebrated milestone anniversaries in 2016 at the annual “Salute to Service” celebration on Tuesday, May 16, during a luncheon in the Schine Student Center’s Goldstein Auditorium.

Faculty and staff honored—147 overall—marked anniversaries of 25 years (1991), 30 years (1986), 35 years (1981), 40 years (1976), 45 years (1971) and 50 years (1966). Collectively, those honored have compiled more than 4,655 years of service to the University.

Chancellor Kent Syverud told those gathered that they represent every aspect of a great university—teaching and research; expanding, maintaining and improving buildings and infrastructure; facilitating essential operating processes; and “keeping us all warm, fed, healthy, informed and safe.”

“You all are part of the student experience because you touch their lives. You are likely part of a memory in the mind of countless graduates and alumni. You support your colleagues in sustaining the Orange culture. For all of this, I am grateful,” Chancellor Syverud said. “The decades of service represented here are not commonly found in the workplace today. Syracuse University is extremely fortunate to have the benefit of such accumulated wisdom and expertise.”

For a list of the faculty and staff honored at the celebration, visit SU News.

Campus Framework-Vision for Excellence Full Report Now Available

Ensuring that Syracuse University’s physical landscape, buildings and infrastructure align with and support the priorities of the Academic Strategic Plan and its institutional mission and vision is the chief objective of the newly released Campus Framework—Vision for Excellence.

The full report, which remains in draft form to allow the University to shift and adapt to evolving needs and priorities, received the endorsement of the Board of Trustees over the weekend. The Campus Framework, which recently won a 2017 Society for College and University Planning Excellence Award in Planning for an Existing Campus, can now be viewed at There, campus community members can read the report, provide feedback, and have their questions answered in real time. The University will also host multiple information sessions in the coming months, the first of which is scheduled for Thursday, June 15, at 4 p.m. in the Joyce Hergenhan Auditorium in Newhouse 3. Look for the times, dates and locations of additional information sessions on the Campus Framework website.

More information about the release of the report is available on SU News.

Summer Hours

Summer office hours for Syracuse University will begin on Monday, May 15, 2017 and will be in effect through Friday, August 25, 2017. Summer office hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Academic year hours will resume on Monday, August 28.

On My Own Time Exhibit April 28-May17

On My Own Time Exhibit Runs April 28-May 17

Do you have creative skills or artistic work that you would like to share with your colleagues and friends at Syracuse University? Now is the time to present your inspiration through the On My Own Time exhibit April 28 – May 17.

Any full- or part-time Syracuse University faculty, staff, or instructor is eligible to submit up to three pieces of artwork in the categories of painting, ceramics, printmaking, drawing, sculpture, photography, collage/assemblage, fiber art, glasswork, computer art, metalwork, and mixed media. The exhibit is in the Noble Room of Hendricks Chapel and is open weekdays from 8:30 a.m.– 5 p.m. through May 17.

A panel of professional artists assembled by CNY Arts will serve as judges. Artwork selected by the panel will be featured in a public exhibit at the Everson Museum this fall. Visitors to the on-campus exhibit will be able to vote for a “Best of Show” piece. The winner of this and other categories will be announced at a closing reception on May 17.

For questions about On My Own Time, please call Lucille Murphy, human resources shared services representative, at 315.443.4042 or email

Now in its 44th year, On My Own Time (OMOT) brings visibility to employees artistic and creative skills through a community arts program to bring visibility to the creative skills of people employed in local businesses and organizations and the Everson Museum of Art.


Inaugural One University Awards Honor Campus Community Members

Syracuse University held the inaugural One University Awards Ceremony on Tuesday in Hendricks Chapel, honoring dozens of members of the University community for their scholarship, teaching, academic achievement, leadership and service.

Vice Chancellor and Provost Michele Wheatly presided at the ceremony, which included remarks by Chancellor Kent Syverud and a performance by the University Singers under the direction of John Warren, associate professor and director of choral activities in the Setnor School of Music in the College of Visual and Performing Arts.

Two major University awards, the Chancellor’s Medal and the Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence, were given. The ceremony also included the presentation of the Chancellor’s Award for Public Engagement and Scholarship; the Meredith Professorship for Teaching Excellence; the Teaching Recognition Award; the United Methodist Scholar/Teacher of the Year Award; the 50-Year Service Award; and the William Pearson Tolley Medal for Distinguished Leadership in Lifelong Learning.

The Chancellor’s Medal, the University’s highest honor, was first presented in 1967 as the Centennial Medal on the occasion of Chancellor William Pearson Tolley’s 25th anniversary as chancellor. The medal is awarded to individuals in honor of their trailblazing and extraordinary contributions to the University, to an academic body of knowledge, or to society. On the 50th anniversary of the medal’s establishment, the medal was awarded to Sam Clemence, professor emeritus in the College of Engineering and Computer Science and interim dean of Hendricks Chapel, and his wife, Carolyn Clemence.