HR News

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Extends On-Campus Office Hours

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield is committed to providing Syracuse University’s health plan members with the highest level of customer service. As part of this commitment, a seasoned and knowledgeable representative from Excellus will continue to hold office hours on campus twice a week to assist members with any medical plan inquiries.

We encourage members to meet with an Excellus BCBS representative for personalized assistance regarding your health plan questions. Registration is not required and the schedule can be found on

If you require assistance outside of the on campus office hours, you may contact our Excellus Dedicated Customer Care Team at 800.493.0318 (TTY/TTD: 800.662.1220) Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-8 p.m. EST. Friday: 9 a.m.-8 p.m. EST.

Share Your Artwork and Creative Skills during 2018 On My Own Time Exhibit

Logo: on my own time 2018Do you have creative skills or artistic work that you would like to share with your colleagues and friends at Syracuse University? Now is the time to present your inspiration through the On My Own Time exhibit April 30 through May 16.

Any full- or part-time Syracuse University faculty, staff, or instructor is eligible to submit up to three pieces of artwork in the categories of painting, ceramics, printmaking, drawing, sculpture, photography, collage/assemblage, fiber art, glasswork, computer art, metalwork, and mixed media. Criteria for submission are listed on the registration form, which is due by Monday, April 23. Submissions are due Thursday, April 26 at the Strates Lounge on the lower floor of Hendricks Chapel from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

On My Own Time at Syracuse University opens with an in-house exhibit on April 30 in the Noble Room of Hendricks Chapel. It will be open weekdays from 8:30 a.m.– 5 p.m. through May 16.

A panel of professional artists assembled by CNY Arts will serve as judges. Artwork selected by the panel will be featured in a public exhibit at the Everson Museum this fall. Visitors to the on-campus exhibit will be able to vote for a “Best of Show” piece. The winner of this and other categories will be announced at a closing reception for the University community, artists and their family members, and volunteers on Wednesday, May 16 at 4:30 p.m. in the Noble Room.

Volunteers Needed

If you want to help with the show, volunteers are needed to check in art on April 26, set up the show on April 27, and other duties on May 16.

For questions about On My Own Time, please call Lucille Murphy, human resources shared services representative at 315.443.4042 or email

In April 2018, the On My Own Time exhibition will commemorate 45 years of celebrating the arts in the Syracuse community and continuing to recognize the artistic works of faculty and staff.

2018 Performance Partnership

Syracuse University is committed to ensuring we have a high performance, professional culture. An essential component of any high performing institution is continuous communication and feedback between supervisors and staff regarding performance expectations. This ensures alignment between individual, departmental and University goals and provides opportunities for staff to develop themselves professionally.

Participation in the annual Performance Partnership process is a critical step in ensuring the University sustains this culture. Below are key events and important dates to help assist you throughout the process.

To achieve the most meaningful and effective Performance Partnership process, it is important to follow University processes and deadlines. All Performance Partnership Forms [DOC] for staff must be completed and submitted to the Office of Human Resources by June 1, 2018. Once received by HR, the reviews are retained as part of the documentation that contributes to a staff member’s work history at Syracuse University.

Visit the Performance Partnership page for more information; including resources, training sessions, FAQs and steps to success.

Faculty and Staff, Feel Good Fridays Start March 23

End your workweek the perfect way and join us each Friday, starting March 23, for Feel Good Friday activities such as guided meditation, Zumba, journaling, book club and more.

Feel Good Fridays are an opportunity for faculty and staff to take a little time out to participate in fun-filled activities that strengthen connection with colleagues, increase feelings of gratitude and promote creative, healthy outlets to undo stress.

Join us each Friday between March 23 and April 27 to celebrate Feel Good Fridays. Scheduled activities vary week-to-week. Check out the schedule and mark your calendar.

Feel Good Fridays

Fridays, March 23-April 27

Feel Good Friday details and schedules

Questions? Email or call 315.443.5472.

Add your name to our email list to stay up to date on the latest wellness events.

Brought to you by the Syracuse University Wellness Initiative

Sheila Johnson-Willis Appointed Chief Equal Opportunity and Title IX Officer

Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer Andrew Gordon has announced that Sheila R. Johnson-Willis has been named associate vice president and chief equal opportunity and Title IX officer. She has served in that position on an interim basis since June 2015.

“Following a national search announced last November, which attracted applicants from across the country, it became very clear to the search committee that Sheila has all the essential qualifications, skills, experience, sensitivity and commitment to carry out the duties of this critical role,” says Gordon. “She has earned the respect and trust of students, faculty and staff, and has done a stellar job of leading the office through some challenging times over the last few years.”

Gordon thanked the search committee, a diverse group of students, faculty and staff co-chaired by Dawn Johnson, associate professor and chair of the Department of Higher Education in the School of Education, and Jake Tanksley, senior human resource business partner in the Office of Human Resources.

“The committee understood the crucial nature of this position in fostering a culture of inclusion and acceptance and a safe and supportive learning, living and working environment,” says Gordon. “Sheila has already demonstrated her agility, sensitivity, compassion and professionalism in handling a myriad of equal opportunity, Title IX, disability and related issues. This position encompasses increasingly complex and demanding concerns. I look forward to working with her in partnership as we strengthen our services related to these complicated and vital issues.”

Reporting to Gordon, the associate vice president leads the Equal Opportunity and Inclusion Resolution Office (EOIRS) and is responsible for aligning all its functions, including training and investigation of equal opportunity claims, affirmative action planning and disability rights guidance and investigations. During her tenure as interim leader, Johnson-Willis has expanded services and staff, adding an experienced investigator and obtaining the resources necessary to hire two additional investigators. She also enhanced disability services and outreach to students to make them more aware of their rights and the support available.

“I am grateful for the support of the University in providing the resources critical to ensuring that we are a welcoming and inclusive campus committed to equal opportunity,” says Johnson-Willis. “As we move forward, my priorities include increased education and communication campuswide on issues related to accessibility, equality, sensitivity and safety for all members of the Orange family.”

Prior to being appointed interim associate vice president and chief equal opportunity and Title IX officer in June 2015, Johnson-Willis was director of equal opportunity and inclusion at Syracuse University from October 2012 to June 2015. She came to Syracuse from Colgate University, where she was director of equal opportunity and affirmative action and Title IX officer. Before that, she was director for affirmative action compliance and Title IX coordinator at Indiana State University in Terre Haute, Indiana. She earned a law degree from Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Lansing, Michigan.

Faculty and Staff Invited to Take Stress Buster Challenge

Life is full of situations that invite stress. While we cannot always control what is happening around us, we can control how we respond. Our responses to stress, both positive and negative, can affect our physical well-being and overall health. The good news is that by trying a variety of techniques and strategies to help manage your stress, you can see what works best for you.

Faculty and staff are invited to take the Stress Buster Challenge, Feb. 12-March 1, a three-week, email-based challenge designed to empower you to take action to manage stress effectively.

All who complete the challenge will be entered into a prize drawing.

Learn more and register by Feb. 8.

Questions? Email or call 315.443.5472.

Add your name to the email list to stay up to date on the latest wellness events.

Campus Buildings to Glow Red for Women’s Health Awareness

The Hall of Languages and Hendricks Chapel will be aglow in red lights on the evenings of Thursday, Feb. 1, and Friday, Feb. 2, as part of the campus’s efforts to raise awareness for women’s health. Friday marks the 14th anniversary of the American Heart Association’s “Go Red for Women” campaign, and is also National Wear Red Day.

National Wear Red Day—the first Friday in February—brings attention to cardiovascular disease in women by encouraging everyone to wear red and take positive action to live longer, healthier lives. The red dress has since become the iconic symbol of the battle against heart disease in women. Some form of cardiovascular disease affects more than one in every three adult Americans.

To learn more about wellness offerings and opportunities please visit

Chancellor Syverud Discusses Five Immediate Priorities in 2018 Winter Message to the Community

Chancellor Kent Syverud identified five immediate priorities for Syracuse University in his Winter Message, which he delivered on Tuesday, Jan. 16, to a standing-room-only audience in the Jack and Laura Hanhausen Milton Atrium in the Life Sciences Complex.

The Chancellor said that entering the spring 2018 semester, the University is “in remarkably good shape to respond to the challenges coming at us and to seize opportunities to have a better impact in the world.”

He spoke of five priorities for the new semester: Invest Syracuse; the need to remain open and welcoming to the world; major building projects; community engagement; and a reexamination of policies governing sexual harassment and abuse of power in relationships between faculty or staff and students.

View complete story and video

Important Information About Excellus BCBS

Happy New Year! As of Jan. 1, 2018, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield (Excellus BCBS) is the medical plan administrator for Syracuse University. Please show your Excellus BCBS member ID card for all medical services and continue to use your OptumRx card to obtain prescription drugs. Below are some helpful tips and reminders about our medical coverage.

Member ID Cards
Welcome packets, including member ID cards, were mailed to your home address in mid-December. Each dependent who is over the age of 18 and is enrolled under your plan should have received a welcome packet with two member ID cards as well. If you cover any dependents under the age of 18, please provide your ID card to their provider when they seek services. If you have not received your ID cards, please contact our Excellus dedicated customer care team to request a new card.

Excellus BCBS on Campus
An experienced Excellus representative will be on campus for personalized meetings to review any of your detailed questions surrounding our medical coverage. Stop by if you have questions; no appointment is necessary. Visit our website for the most current schedule.

Access Your Medical Information
If you have questions on your account, you may access your information in a variety of ways:

•  Calling the dedicated Excellus BCBS customer care team at 800.493.0318 (TTY/TTD: 800.662.1220)

•  Registering for secure online access at

•  Downloading the mobile app through iTunes or Google Play by searching for Excellus BCBS

Set Your 2018 Fitness Goals
Thinking about setting your fitness goals by joining a gym in 2018? With the Fitness Your Way plan through Excellus BCBS, you’ll have access to 10,000 gyms nationwide. And, as a way to jumpstart your workout, the enrollment fee will be waived Jan. 1-31, 2018 by using the code SYRACUSE2018. Learn more about Fitness Your Way and other gym memberships by visiting and click on Blue365 Discounts under the Health and Wellness section.

24/7 Nurse Call Line
With Excellus BCBS, you can contact a registered nurse by phone anytime—24 hours a day, seven days a week. Excellus BCBS specially trained registered nurses can provide support and education for members with chronic or complex health conditions, or provide answers to more general health questions.

Prior Authorizations
As a reminder, please have your health care providers contact Excellus BCBS to obtain required prior authorizations. You may contact our dedicated customer care team at Excellus BCBS with any questions on the prior authorization process, or to obtain a list of services that require prior authorization.

We are here to help: If you have any questions about your medical benefits, please contact our Human Resources Service Center at 315.443.4042.