HR News

Coronavirus Update 6.12.20: Revised Travel Policy for Faculty and Staff

Dear Faculty and Staff:

As part of our early response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Syracuse University took swift action to limit and prohibit travel as part of our robust strategy to safeguard the health and well-being of our campus community. We recognize and appreciate that the current travel limitations and prohibitions have created challenges for some members of our community, particularly for research-active faculty and graduate students whose research programs require field work and data collection during the summer months.

As such, as Central New York and other regions across the United States and around the world begin to ease COVID-19-related restrictions, effective immediately, Syracuse University will revise existing limitations and prohibitions on University-sponsored faculty and staff travel as follows:

Specific Country Prohibitions: No change. The University’s existing prohibition on University-sponsored travel to any CDC Level-3 international destination remains in place. We recognize that in some extraordinary circumstances, it may be highly problematic for some faculty to cancel or postpone travel to an otherwise prohibited international destination. For that reason, faculty may submit an appeal, in coordination with their dean, directly to the interim vice president for research. The VPR will make a recommendation to the provost, who is responsible for making the final determination and notifying both the traveler and the relevant dean. Any individual whose travel is approved under this policy is required to register that travel on the University travel registry system.

Questions regarding the risks associated with a particular destination or requests for assistance with registering travel should be directed to Seth Tucker, director of global safety and support, at or 315.443.1968.

Non-Essential Travel: No change. The University’s existing prohibition on non-essential, University-sponsored travel remains in place. We continue to encourage faculty and staff to cancel or postpone any planned or proposed non-essential travel. Until further notice, travel to attend professional or educational conferences is defined as non-essential.

Travel Deemed Essential for an Academic or Business Purpose: Change. Effective immediately, we will ease existing restrictions on travel deemed essential to an academic or business purpose of the University.

For faculty, researchers, postdoctoral scholars and graduate students: Essential travel is defined as travel require to:

  • preserve the safety of a research subject and cannot be postponed; or
  • preserve the continuity and results of a research activity and cannot be postponed.

For faculty, researchers, postdoctoral scholars and graduate students, travel to attend professional or educational conferences is defined as non-essential. Faculty, researchers, postdoctoral scholars and graduate students with questions about whether specific proposed travel is essential, or those seeking approval to engage in essential travel, should confer first with their department chairs. Deans (or department chairs, if designated by the dean) will make a recommendation as to the essential nature of the travel request and forward that recommendation to the interim vice president for research. The VPR will make the final determination and notify both the traveler and the dean or department chair making the request. Any faculty member, researcher, postdoctoral scholar or graduate student whose essential travel is approved is required to register that travel on the University travel registry system.

For staff: Essential travel is defined as travel that, if not accomplished, will cause significant harm to the academic or business operations of the University.

Staff travel to attend professional or educational conferences is defined as non-essential. Staff with questions about whether specific proposed travel is essential, or those seeking approval to engage in essential travel, should confer with their supervisors. Deans or unit leaders will make a recommendation as to the essential nature of the travel request and forward that recommendation to the relevant division head or vice president, who will make the final determination and notify the notify both the traveler and the unit leader making the request. Any staff member whose essential travel is approved is required to register that travel on the University travel registry system.

Anyone who travels should review current CDC guidance for additional information, particularly as it relates to travel considerations, return policies and preventive measures you should take to protect yourself and those around you. Our revised policies will remain in effect until further notice, and the University will reconsider and adjust current travel limitations and prohibitions as appropriate, given new information and COVID-19-related guidance and directives from public-sector health authorities.


J. Michael Haynie
Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives and Innovation

Coronavirus Update 6.8.20: Health and Safety Update

Dear Students, Families, Faculty and Staff:

Recently, Syracuse University provided the campus community with an update on the work of the Public Health and Emergency Management Subcommittee of the Fall 2020 Open Working Group. That subcommittee has been engaged with faculty and staff across campus and with outside experts to develop a comprehensive framework to ensure Syracuse University is fully equipped and prepared to safely resume campus operations. As we continue to refine and advance that framework, we want to share additional detail about the actions we will take and policies we will implement to safeguard the health and well-being of our campus community.

In this message, we focus on answering the most frequently and commonly asked health and safety questions. Specifically, we address issues and actions related to:

  • Masks & Face Coverings
  • COVID Testing, Screening and Surveillance
  • Facilities Considerations & Revisions
  • Health Promotion & Prevention
  • Teaching & Learning

The actions and policies described below by no means represent the full breadth and scale of the public health and safety measures Syracuse University will implement in the weeks and months ahead. As we continue to receive new information, review new science, and receive public-sector feedback on our framework, the University will take additional action, formalize new policies and continue to communicate regularly with our community.

Masks & Face Coverings

Q: What is Syracuse University’s policy on masks and face coverings? Will everybody have to wear a mask at all times?

Syracuse University will require face masks or face coverings for all students, faculty, staff and visitors while on campus, in the presence of others, and in public settings where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. In some instances, there are legitimate medical reasons that an individual cannot wear a mask for an extended period. There also may be a limited number of unique situations where wearing a mask during certain activities is not possible, appropriate or even hazardous to those with certain preexisting conditions. Efforts are underway to develop appropriate accommodations in such instances.

Q: Will Syracuse University provide masks to all members of the campus community?

Yes. Syracuse University will provide all faculty, staff and students with an initial supply of reusable (washable) cloth masks, upon return to campus. These masks will be provided at no cost.

Q: Will visitors to campus be required to wear masks?

Yes. Any individual accessing our campus—including visitors and contractors—is required to wear a mask or face covering while in the presence of others and in public settings where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. In addition, the University plans to limit campus visitors during the fall semester. According to health experts, visitors to campus from outside Central New York pose a risk of virus transmission to the University community (given that those individuals would not be subject to the ongoing testing and monitoring procedures in place for the residential campus community and CNY residents). For this reason, visitors and guests from outside Central New York will generally be restricted from accessing residence halls and other campus facilities.

Q: Who is responsible for ensuring students, faculty and staff follow the University’s policy related to wearing masks or face coverings?

It is a shared responsibility. We must all do our part to protect ourselves and each other. During the COVID-19 health emergency, wearing a mask is not only an action designed to protect you from exposure to the virus, but it is also a visible sign that each member of our campus community is doing our part to safeguard the health and wellness of others.

COVID Testing, Screening and Surveillance

Q: In a prior message, it was indicated that all students will be tested for COVID-19 upon return to campus. How will those tests be performed?

All students will be tested when they return to campus and again two weeks after their return to campus. Syracuse University will use pooled saliva testing for this purpose, with subsequent rapid testing of all individuals in a pooled sample that indicates a positive result. Testing of symptomatic students will be performed by health professionals from the Barnes Center at The Arch (under the supervision of Syracuse University’s medical director) and in partnership with outside laboratories. More specific details about how these tests will be administered will be shared prior to our students’ return to campus.

Q: How will Syracuse University conduct ongoing monitoring of the student population for instances of COVID-19?

We will implement two primary approaches for ongoing monitoring, including random testing and a wastewater surveillance program developed by public health faculty from Falk College. The wastewater surveillance program allows us to monitor for the potential of asymptomatic cases in our residence halls, athletic facilities, etc. and subsequently initiate individual testing of residents in response to virus detected in the wastewater originating from a given complex.

Q: What if a student tests positive for COVID-19 disease? What will be the procedure to support that student and safeguard others on campus?

If a student tests positive, the University will deploy its response protocol, which prioritizes the health of the student as well as the safety and well-being of the community. The student will be immediately moved via a Syracuse University medical transport to isolation housing. These rooms will be physically separated from other residential student rooms, have a private bathroom, and be stocked with a thermometer, sanitizing wipes, tissues, soap, hand sanitizer and toiletries. Students who test positive will remain in isolation until a negative test is achieved. While isolated, the student will be assigned a case manager to support all academic, health, housing and dining needs. For those students who are ill or asymptomatically positive, to the degree reasonably feasible, these isolated students will be encouraged to continue academic activities remotely or be provided with academic accommodations due to illness.

Q: How will Syracuse University address the need for contact tracing, assuming that there will be positive COVID cases during the fall semester?

Working closely with the Onondaga County Department of Health, Syracuse University is prepared to hire and train our own contact tracing team. Acknowledging the personal nature of this task, the unique attributes of an academic environment, and also the broad diversity represented across our campus community, we believe that it’s important that the duties and responsibilities associated with contact tracing be performed by culturally competent individuals who themselves represent our community.

Facilities Considerations & Revisions

Q:  How is the University going to ensure that social distancing is possible in classrooms?

The University has convened several cross-functional working groups across campus to recommend guidelines and update protocols in accordance with guidance from health and government officials. Space reconfigurations, signage, directional limitations, hybrid course delivery options and other considerations to maintain and ensure social distancing are underway and will continue to be implemented throughout campus.

Right now, we are in the process of inventorying classroom spaces, determining projected class sizes and—based on that data—determining a framework for how classes are assigned to spaces. In all likelihood, large lecture classes will institute a rotated attendance policy to enable social distancing or leverage technology to decouple learning from any particular space. Smaller classes will be offered in larger rooms, and we are currently assessing the inventory of larger spaces that can be used for fall instruction.

Q: How will the University make changes to facilities and public spaces to enable public health practices and behaviors identified as reducing the risk associated with virus transmission?

The University is undertaking ongoing, multi-faceted efforts to configure facilities and spaces—to the maximum extent practical—to reduce the risk associated with virus transmission. This work is ongoing right now.

Examples of these changes include, but are not limited to: deploying new signage in all buildings to promote social distancing; placing appropriate wayfinding signage at building entrances to limit flow through constrained spaces; configuring work and public spaces to allow for least 6 feet between individuals; assessing the need for barriers in workspaces where people must face each other or are unable to be 6 feet apart; removing chairs and desks to ensure proper physical distancing in conference and waiting rooms. In addition, in the fall we plan to limit access to academic and student-focused facilities for outside visitors and ask building coordinators to develop a plan to coordinate arrival and departure times of faculty and staff to reduce congestion. Finally, we will also limit in-person meetings to not exceed 50 percent of a room’s capacity, assuming individuals can still maintain 6 feet of social distancing.

Q: Does the University have plans for enhanced cleaning and sanitation of common areas, residence halls and other high-traffic spaces?

Yes. Since the early days of the COVID-19 health emergency, the University has implemented a robust cleaning and sanitation process. This includes enhanced cleaning and sanitation of classrooms, laboratories, studios and performance venues, libraries, residence halls, dining halls, recreation spaces, gathering spaces and other high-traffic areas. The University will utilize disinfectants that have been identified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as appropriate to eliminate the SARS-CoV-2 virus (cause of COVID-19). For information on cleaning and disinfecting efforts in work areas, please visit

Q:  If I believe that a classroom or office requires modifications to ensure social distancing, what is the process to make a request for evaluation?

As described above, the University is currently working through plans to reconfigure facilities—to the maximum extent practical—to best support public health practices and behaviors identified as reducing the risk associated with virus transmission. Specific requests will be evaluated based on several criteria related to campus reopening plans and best available health guidance. You can learn about the space modification process and request an evaluation at

Health Promotion & Prevention

Q: What actions does the University plan to encourage and facilitate healthy behaviors among members of our campus community?

As students, faculty and staff return to campus, they will notice robust new signage promoting social distancing and other public health measures. For example, floor decals placed in campus buildings to remind people of the importance of social distancing. New signage aimed at promoting and protecting the health of our community will be placed in building entryways; outside elevators; and in dining centers, breakrooms, kitchen areas, meeting spaces and other locations frequented by students, faculty and staff. Our signage strategy will continue to ramp up throughout the summer as we look to welcome students in August.

Additionally, when students, faculty and staff return, they will also notice increased access to hand sanitizer stations; classrooms, gathering spaces and other areas will have reduced chairs, tables and desks; and in lecture halls, chairs will be taped off to ensure social distancing. These are just some of the immediate changes you will notice on campus, but by no means do they represent the full scope of efforts underway. 

Q:  How will students be informed and educated about steps and behaviors most appropriate to mitigate the likelihood of exposure to the virus?

Students will participate in an educational program prior to their return to campus focused on health and wellness issues and actions most appropriate during and beyond the COVID-19 health emergency. Further, as a condition of returning to campus, students will be required to affirmatively commit to a social compact statement (that is currently being finalized) that defines expectations related to behaviors and actions appropriate to protect their health and the health of those around them.

Q: How will students, faculty and staff who depend on public transportation safely access campus or other locations?

The University is establishing protocols for social distancing on all University-owned and University-sponsored means of group transportation—and we are coordinating with CENTRO. As an example, these new protocols include: establishing maximum passenger counts for the SU Trolley and other means of University-sponsored group transportation to allow for appropriate social distancing; requiring all operators and passengers to wear a mask on every vehicle provided or sponsored by the University (including the SU Trolley); installing hand sanitizer stations on such vehicles; and disinfecting vehicles on an enhanced schedule.

Q:  How is the University planning to enforce social distancing and health/safety protocols?

First, it is important for all members of our community to understand that enforcing social distancing standards and other measures of prevention is everyone’s responsibility. It should be a shared expectation that all students, faculty and staff will not only themselves adhere to the directives and policies in place to safeguard public health—but also remind others to do the same when necessary. For students specifically, the Division of Enrollment and the Student Experience is currently taking steps to communicate expectations to students and families. As previously described, as a condition of returning to campus, students will be required to affirmatively commit to a social compact statement that sets expectations related to behaviors and actions appropriate to protect their health and the health of those around them. Students who are identified to have acted with disregard for their health and the health of those around them will be referred to the student judicial process for a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.

Teaching & Learning

Q:  How is the University going to ensure that social distancing is possible in classrooms?

Based on the recommendations of the Public Health and Emergency Management Subcommittee, the University has convened several cross-functional working groups composed of faculty and Academic Affairs staff to establish guidelines and protocols appropriate to reduce density and facilitate social distancing in classrooms and other academic spaces. Work to reconfigure classrooms is already underway, as is an inventory of all classroom spaces and projected class/section enrollments. Based on this review, the University will determine a framework for assigning classes/sections to individual spaces. As a general rule, those efforts assume a 30-person limitation on class/section size, or 50 percent of the room’s stated capacity (given the ability to maintain 6 feet of social distancing). Large lecture classes will likely institute a rotated attendance policy to enable social distancing or leverage technology to decouple learning from any particular space. Smaller classes will be offered in larger rooms, and we are currently assessing the inventory of larger spaces that can be used for fall instruction. Like we did after WWII, the University is also exploring utilizing temporary modular classrooms as required to reduce density and facilitate social distancing.

Q: What about labs, studios and other hands-on or experiential learning programs?  Will they be canceled altogether?

No. We are in the process of assessing the needs and requirements of all departments and programs to determine how to best facilitate labs, studios and other hands-on or experiential learning programs. In some cases, it may simply mean finding much larger spaces to conduct these types of experiential courses. In other cases, it means we must “think differently” and identify creative ways to safely and meaningfully deliver classes like dance woodwind or vocal instruction or field work in the natural world.

Q: I am a faculty member; can I have plexiglass installed in my office to accommodate office hours?

This question represents a good opportunity to illustrate the “think differently” imperative inherent in resuming campus life in the face of the COVID-19 health emergency. While it is true that the University will be installing plexiglass barriers in some high-traffic service centers across campus, doing so in faculty offices is not contemplated at this time. It is important, however, to understand why. Specifically, it is because—as a rule—faculty should be discouraged from meeting with students in confined spaces. Instead, faculty should consider holding office hours outside of their office—for example on the Shaw Quad or in a classroom or conference room (where 6 feet of distance can be maintained)—or by leveraging a technology solution like Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Q: If I am at increased risk for complications of COVID-19 or live with someone who is at risk, can I opt out of teaching or learning in person this fall?

Your health and safety are our chief priority; Syracuse University will not ask you to do anything that will jeopardize your well-being or the well-being of an at-risk family member. We have heard from many students, faculty and staff with similar circumstances and are in the process of finalizing guidelines related to this issue. The provost will share that policy with faculty shortly.

Q: The modified calendar calls for instruction on weekends. I have religious restrictions that prevent me from teaching/attending class at certain times.  

Based on feedback we have received, we are looking at weekend instruction only for Fridays before sundown and, potentially, Sunday afternoons.

Q: We are returning to in-person instruction, but will all classes and labs be held in-person?

We are all working together to deliver for our students—as practical and allowable given health guidance—a residential academic experience for the fall. This means, to the maximum extent possible, classes will meet in-person. That said, it is also likely that some large lecture classes will institute a rotated attendance policy to enable social distancing or leverage technology to decouple learning from any particular space. Smaller classes will be offered in larger rooms, and we are currently assessing the inventory of larger spaces that can be used for fall instruction.

Q:  If a student would prefer to take classes online and stay home, are they required to come to campus?

If a student prefers not to return to campus in the fall, for whatever reason, they have the option to continue academic progress towards a degree via an online semester. Faculty and many others are working to create online course offerings that mirror those classes that will be offered in a residential format during the fall semester. For that reason, if returning to campus in the fall is not a viable option for some of our students, the opportunity to participate remotely will be possible. Importantly however, if a student opts for an online semester and to remain in a location other than Syracuse, New York, for public health reasons, their access to campus will be limited (given that those individuals would not be part of the ongoing testing and monitoring procedures in place for the residential student population).

We are committed to identifying, creating and implementing health and safety policies and protocols that support a safe, healthy and academically meaningful campus experience in the fall. While that effort is well underway, much work remains. Therefore, we want to remind you again to please routinely visit for the latest updates.

Stay well, stay safe, and take care of yourself and your loved ones.


J. Michael Haynie
Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives and Innovation

John Liu
Interim Vice Chancellor and Prov

Syracuse University Begins Welcoming Phase One Faculty and Staff Back to Campus

Earlier today, Syracuse University began welcoming back members of its campus community, an important milestone to safely bring back students, faculty and staff after the monthslong work-from-home effort during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. As announced earlier this week by Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer Andrew R. Gordon, Phase One faculty and staff arrived on campus this week as the first of four carefully planned phases to resume more normal operations.

“The Return to Campus Working Group for Faculty and Staff has collaborated with various teams and departments from across the University, too many to name, over the past several weeks to prepare to welcome folks back to campus in a safe and smart way,” Gordon says. “I am grateful to the many faculty and staff members who have assisted with these efforts. Many cross-functional teams continue the work of ensuring that campus is a safe and healthy place for all in anticipation of additional faculty and staff returning over the coming weeks, not to mention our students who will be back in August.”

Earlier this week, the Office of Human Resources also released comprehensive guidance on its website for faculty and staff returning to campus. This guidance encompasses topics like masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE), social distancing requirements, expectations of faculty and staff in monitoring and reporting any COVID-19 symptoms, cleaning and sanitation protocols, and more. Some key highlights include:

  • Face masks or coverings will be required on campus while in the presence of others and anywhere social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.
  • A required daily health screening questionnaire, which faculty and staff must complete at home before reporting to work on campus.
  • A new shared responsibility to clean and disinfect personal workspaces and surfaces in common areas to supplement the enhanced day-to-day efforts of our custodial staff.

Faculty and staff, including those who are not yet scheduled to return to campus, are advised to review the Return to Campus Information Hub for Faculty and Staff to become familiar with new requirements and expectations for on-campus work.

“It falls on all of us to follow the guidance and protocols established for faculty and staff to ensure the health of our community,” Gordon says. “I thank everyone for their shared commitment to balancing how we work, move and interact with the entire University community on campus with the necessary goal of maintaining the well-being of every campus member.”

Syracuse University will continue to provide frequent updates via email communications and on, which will be the most up-to-date resource as the University navigates the evolving impact of the pandemic. The campus community can expect continued messages from University leadership, including Vice Chancellor J. Michael Haynie, who for the last three months has led a policy team to respond to the pandemic and prepare for the return to campus.

Important Update for 2020 Flexible Spending Accounts

Original expectations about your health and dependent care expenses for 2020 may have significantly changed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic. As a result, you may want to change your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) elections for 2020. Effective immediately, eligible faculty and staff are allowed to change health and dependent care FSA elections for 2020 without having a qualifying family status change.

Allowable changes must be made on a prospective basis and include new elections as well as increases or decreases to existing FSA elections. If an election is made to reduce your health care FSA contribution, the reduced contribution must be no less than claims that have already been reimbursed or approved for reimbursement.

Additionally, beginning this year, the maximum amount of unused health care FSA contributions that can carry over to the next year has increased from $500 to $550, and will be adjusted annually for inflation.

If you wish to make a change to your 2020 FSA election, or have any questions, contact HR Shared Services at or 315.443.4042.

Update on Return to Campus Plan for Faculty and Staff

Dear Faculty and Staff:

Thank you for your patience as the cross-functional working group of deans, faculty and staff has further developed and solidified our plans for returning faculty and staff to campus.

I write to share an update on our phases of return and where we stand with approval from New York State and local public health authorities.

Additional critical information follows for all faculty and staff to review as we look toward returning more faculty and staff to campus over the coming days, weeks and months.

Phase One of Return to Begin June 3

We have received guidance to start welcoming a limited number of faculty and staff back to campus on June 3 who have been designated by their dean or senior vice president to return in Phase One. As previously communicated, this includes primarily all essential personnel, who have been on campus since March, plus additional research faculty and staff identified by their deans in consultation with the vice president of research. Those faculty, staff and graduate students scheduled to return in Phase One will receive a separate communication from their dean or senior vice president by tomorrow morning with detailed procedures that need to be followed upon campus return.

As noted in my communication from May 21, moving ahead to Phases Two through Four will require ongoing monitoring of public health guidance, campus density, and the health of our faculty and staff members on campus. The subsequent phases of return are tentatively scheduled to commence every two weeks following the successful implementation of Phase One.

As we move through this process, we will continue to communicate with deans and other senior leaders, who will advise faculty and staff of their likely return date or continued remote work arrangement.

Critical Information for Faculty and Staff to Review Before Returning to Campus

The working group has worked closely with our partners—including the Public Health subcommittee of the Fall 2020 Open Work Group, Campus Safety and Emergency Services, Facilities Services and Campus Planning, Design and Construction—to develop guidance for faculty and staff returning to campus.

This guidance encompasses topics like masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE), social distancing requirements, expectations of faculty and staff in monitoring and reporting any COVID-19 symptoms, cleaning and sanitation protocols, and more. New York State requires all employees to conduct a daily health assessment, including taking your temperature before coming to campus. It is not only a state requirement, but it is the right thing to do to keep everyone on our campus healthy and safe.

View the Return to Campus Information Hub for Faculty and Staff.

Additionally, I encourage you to review information on the Environmental Health and Safety Services website to learn about Universitywide measures that have been taken to keep members of our campus community safe and healthy.

We look forward to beginning to welcome faculty and staff back to campus.


Andrew R. Gordon
Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

Important Update About the Return to Campus Plan for Faculty and Staff

Dear Faculty and Staff:

As announced yesterday, Syracuse University will resume residential instruction in August 2020, which includes an accelerated academic calendar. Simultaneously, a cross-functional working group of deans, faculty and staff is working to develop and implement a comprehensive plan for returning our workforce to campus over the coming weeks and months. This plan—which prioritizes the health, wellness and safety of all members of our community—is informed by the critically important work of the Public Health subcommittee. I want to express my appreciation to all members of the working group, subcommittees and the many faculty and staff members who have provided their expertise and input.

To promote social distancing, reduce campus density and ensure the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) and testing capabilities, faculty and staff will return to campus using a phased approach. I write today to share an outline of that approach and a preview of what you can expect in terms of upcoming communication and guidance.

In anticipation of clearance from state and local health officials to resume campus operations, deans, senior vice presidents and other leaders have assigned faculty and staff from each of their respective schools, colleges and units to one of four campus return phases. Some of the factors used by leaders to make these assignments included the nature of employees’ job duties, seating arrangements and the ability to successfully perform work remotely.

Please note: Our phases are subject to change as we continue to monitor public health guidance, campus density, employee health and the effectiveness of social distancing in the workplace.

Phase Zero
Essential personnel only on campus. We have been in this phase since March 16.

Phase One (tentatively planned for no earlier than June 1)
About 30 percent of faculty and staff will return to campus. This will primarily include all essential personnel, plus additional identified research faculty and staff needing to continue their research in on-campus laboratories.

Phase Two
An additional 10-15 percent of faculty and staff will return in Phase Two, about two weeks after the successful implementation of Phase One. This will allow time for adequate monitoring of the health and safety of our campus.

Phase Three
An additional 10-15 percent of faculty and staff will return in Phase Three, about two weeks after the successful implementation of Phase Two.

Phase Four
An additional 25 percent of faculty and staff will return in Phase Four, about two weeks after the successful implementation of Phase Three.

Continued Remote Working
If employees can remain fully productive at home, supervisors are strongly encouraged to continue to arrange for faculty and staff to work remotely for the next couple months to maintain reduced campus density.

Fall 2020 Return
Additionally, about 15-20 percent of faculty will not return to campus until the Fall 2020 semester begins.

As soon as the University receives approval from New York State and local government public health authorities, we will communicate with deans and other senior leaders, who will advise you of your likely return date or continued remote or flexible work arrangement.

What Faculty and Staff Can Expect Next
Next week, we will have an informational hub and comprehensive list of frequently asked questions go live on the Office of Human Resources’ website, There, you will find useful information about returning to campus, including:

  • new cleaning, safety and social distancing protocols;
  • guidance on personal protective equipment (e.g., face masks or coverings) and other public health measures;
  • options for flexible, remote, staggered and alternate-day work arrangements that will help departments adequately social distance in the workplace; and
  • what will be required of each and every one of us to keep our campus safe as we prepare to bring additional faculty and staff members back to campus, and especially as we look toward welcoming our students back for the Fall 2020 semester.

Thank you for your continued understanding and patience as we work to balance our desire to welcome back our faculty and staff in a way that protects the well-being of our entire campus community. We will provide you additional guidance and updates by email as more information becomes available.


Andrew R. Gordon
Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

Summer Office Hours Modified

Traditionally, Syracuse University has transitioned to summer office hours beginning on the Monday following commencement. In accordance with New York State orders, a very limited number of staff designated as essential personnel are working in offices on campus at this time. As such, faculty and staff should continue to work remotely and for the hours arranged with their supervisor or manager. For essential personnel, please check with your supervisor about your hours. Additional information will be provided as New York State and local governments make decisions about return to on premises working hours.

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Human Resources at 315.443.4042 or

Early Education Child Care Center Brings Smiles to Children (and Relief to Parents) Stuck at Home

With the children they provide care for safely at home with their parents, the EECCC teaching staff has put their creative skills to use by creating a library of over 100 videos on their YouTube channel. The videos, initially conceived as a work-from-home project while the center was shut down, feature teachers reading books, singing songs, cooking and baking, leading STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) activities, leading kid-friendly yoga and more.

COVID-19: Finding the Next Normal

A pandemic is a powerful, disruptive force, and COVID-19 has proven to be as catastrophic for businesses, communities, and the lifestyles people enjoy as it can be for one’s health. Of course, there are preparations that can be made to mitigate the overall impact a pandemic can have, but it’s difficult to predict how long and how devastating a pandemic will be when there is so much disagreement over the best ways to respond and when those responses will be activated.

Stay Well While Working Remotely

The Wellness Initiative has compiled resources and information that may help you to relieve stress and anxiety, move more, stay connected with one another and breathe a little deeper during this period of uncertainty.