Anyone coming to campus for work or research (including faculty, staff and students) must complete an online Daily Health Screening Questionnaire prior to arriving on campus each day.
The online questionnaire is secure, HIPAA-compliant, and includes just two questions related to exposure to and symptoms of COVID-19. The questionnaire must be done before coming to campus. Within the questionnaire, instructions are provided as to how those working on campus should proceed if:
they, or any member of their household, has been directed to self-isolate or quarantine due to suspected or confirmed COVID-19 exposure; or
they have a temperature or are otherwise experiencing symptoms.
Completing this mandatory online Daily Health Screening Questionnaire is not only a New York State requirement, but the right thing to do for the health and safety of everyone on campus.
For easy daily access, bookmark the Daily Health Screening Questionnaire on your computer or mobile device. Faculty and staff who have returned to campus will also receive reminder emails to complete the questionnaire on a daily basis.