Guide for Managers and Supervisors

A guide to help supervisors and managers work with their employees on taking time to express milk during the work day.

Syracuse University is committed to supporting the health and well-being of new parents and their babies. The following guidelines are in support of the rights of nursing mothers to pump breast milk at work.

Time for expressing milk

  • Lactating employees may make a written request for time away from work and a private space for lactation by contacting their Senior Human Resources Business Partner or their supervisor. Upon receipt of the employee’s request, within a reasonable time frame, not to exceed five days, the Senior HR Business Partner and/or the supervisor will make reasonable efforts to provide a private space for lactation to the employee.
  • When making arrangements with employees, it is important to be aware that no two women will necessarily require the same amount of time to pump. Additionally, the amount of time a woman needs to pump may vary depending on the time of day.

Space for expressing milk

Examples of reasonable spaces for expressing milk

  • Any designated lactation room on the University’s campus.
  • A private office that can be secured and is visually private.
  • A small, unused conference room that can be secured and is visually private.
  • An area within a restroom that is separated from the restroom facility by a door.
  • Please be aware that in the absence of a door separating the room, a public restroom is not an appropriate place to pump.
  • Setting up a lactation space can be accomplished with minimal investment in space and cost.