HR News

Why Relationships Matter (Maybe Now More Than Ever)

The quality of our relationships is the single biggest predictor of our happiness—more so than business success, physical health, wealth, status or fame. While we may be in the unique position of either spending a bit too much time with others lately, or striving to maintain connections with those we love from a safe distance, it does all of us good to focus on and prioritize our relationships to set the foundation of a happy, healthy life.

To further explore this topic, we chatted with positive psychology expert Jaime Weisberg, founder of Northbound Coaching & Consulting and facilitator of the Thrive! well-being series offered through the Syracuse University Wellness Initiative. The upcoming workshop, “Other People Matter: Strengthening the Foundation of Happiness,” will be held virtually on April 28 or April 30 at noon, via Zoom. Faculty and staff can sign up today!

The Benefits of Human Connection

“I think we all intuitively know that if we think about the happiest times in our lives, they usually include other people,” Weisberg says. “There is also a lot of science and various mechanisms that help explain why relationships are such a strong predictor of human happiness.”

She points to the Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the longest-running studies to look at adult males throughout the life span. It found that the quality of the connections subjects had with others over the course of their lives was correlated with both increased happiness and increased longevity—suggesting that relationships impact not only our emotional, but our physical health.

Emotionally, having the support of others, feeling connected and having a sense of belonging all elevate feelings of positivity and self-worth, thereby contributing to increased happiness. But, according to Weisberg, there’s also some neurobiology at play. “When we’re in connection, we release a neuropeptide called oxytocin, which stimulates the ‘calm-and-connect’ response,” she says. “This is the antithesis of the ‘fight-or-flight’ stress response. There’s a neurochemical process that unfolds when we’re in relationship to others that’s very calming. It builds trust, soothes our nervous system and helps buffer the stress response.”

“The emotion of loneliness is actually felt in the same center of our brain where we feel physical pain,” Weisberg says. “So when we’re lonely, it physically hurts. It’s thought to be a protective mechanism, to keep us in connection with one another.”This is thought to be an evolutionary response: simply put, we are wired to be in connection. When we are babies, being connected to our parent or caregiver helps ensure our survival, Weisberg says. When we get older, finding a mate and procreating help ensure the further continuation of our species. In tribal settings, we commonly lived in community with one another and shared responsibilities for hunting, gathering and child-rearing. Although our society has grown increasingly isolated from one another—not to mention the current experience of forced isolation, in many cases—we are not designed to live this way. As has been widely publicized in recent years, loneliness can have devastating consequences to our health.

Focus on Good, Healthy Relationships; Romantic and Otherwise

It’s not just our romantic relationships that benefit us, either. Connecting with your children, friends, other family members, coworkers and even strangers can all invoke these feel-good chemical reactions in the body.

“Even micro-moments of connectivity that we have with other people—say a stranger on the subway—can stimulate this burst of activity, almost like taking a quick vitamin, involving something called mirror neurons in the brain,” says Weisberg. “The same parts of our brain and their brain light up at the same time, and we can share a really calming, connected moment together.”

Some of the hallmarks of healthy, productive relationships? According to Weisberg, they’re mutually supportive, in both bad times and good; there’s an ability to be authentic and vulnerable with one another; and there should be shared experiences that are not only enjoyable, but novel.

“If there are relationships in your life that are feeling very negative and toxic to you, it’s OK to step away from some of those and focus on ones that are more nourishing to you—especially right now,” she says. Because we tend to mirror or pick up the emotions of those we spend our time with, a concept known as “emotional contagion,” we should nurture relationships that are supportive, positive and celebratory and spend less time and energy on those that are dominated by negativity, gossiping or complaining.

During this period of social distancing and juggling home and work responsibilities, Weisberg emphasizes the importance of being truly present with those we care about and not multi-tasking. “It may be a little harder, especially not being in physical connection, to stay present in relationships—but presence is a big factor when it comes to trust, and trust is hugely important to quality relationships,” she says. “We need to carve that time out to be truly present, to actively listen, and to show up for people and honor that connection.”

The bottom line: our relationships are important and require the same level of prioritization and commitment as any other area of our lives. Join the next Thrive! well-being session to learn more, including tools and strategies we can use to strengthen and be more present in our relationships.

Virtual Support Groups

To help you cope with the sustained stress of the pandemic, Carebridge is offering online stress check-in support groups. Attendance will help improve your ability to thrive during this challenging time and enhance your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Habits, beliefs and behaviors that promote resilience will be highlighted.

Important Updates Regarding Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts for Faculty and Staff

Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) offer a great way to save money by allowing you to contribute pre-tax dollars into an account (avoiding federal and state income tax, as well as FICA) that you can use to pay for eligible health care expenses.

As a reminder, if you had a health care FSA through Syracuse University in 2019, the deadline to submit eligible expenses for reimbursement is April 30, 2020. If you have any leftover funds from 2019 that are unused, up to $500 will be rolled over to your health care FSA for use in 2020.

New for 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) has expanded the list of health care items that are eligible for reimbursement from health care FSAs.

Effective immediately, the following health care expenses incurred after Dec. 31, 2019, now qualify for reimbursement:

  • Over-the-counter drugs and medicines without a doctor’s prescription
  • Menstrual care products

Syracuse University’s flexible spending account vendor, WageWorks/HealthEquity, is working to update its website and system to ensure these changes are implemented as soon as possible. Should you have any questions about these changes or the reimbursement process, please contact the WageWorks/HealthEquity customer care team at 877.924.3967 (TTY: 866.353.8058).

Positivity and Well-Being

During this uncertain, evolving (and somewhat scary) time of social distancing, new remote work arrangements, constant news coverage of COVID-19, and mad dashes to the store to stock up on essentials, you probably know that staying calm and carrying on, is the reasonable thing to do. But it can be easier said than done.

The world may have changed rapidly in the past month or so, but the ability to learn ways to stay positive has not. It can be hard to know how to stay positive at work and in life while all around us seems full of bad news. The good news is, you can start practicing the power of positivity at any time! Consciously focusing on staying positive can impact your overall well-being (in a good way!).

Expanded Telemedicine Coverage Available for Faculty, Staff and Retirees

Syracuse University, in partnership with Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, has expanded coverage for individuals enrolled in its health plans to include access to telemedicine. If a member’s health care provider, including a behavioral health provider, offers virtual and telephonic options for care, those services are covered under the plan.

In addition, members have access to MDLIVE, a national telemedicine provider that gives patients 24/7 access to a network of board-certified doctors, pediatricians and licensed therapists that can treat more than 50 non-emergency conditions, via a computer, mobile device or by calling 866.692.5045 (TTY: 800.770.5531).

During the coronavirus (COVID-19) global health emergency, member cost-sharing for all eligible in-network telemedicine services will be waived to ensure appropriate access to care.  Additional information on telemedicine and how to schedule an MDLIVE visit can be found in these MDLIVE FAQs.

COVID-19: Developing Self-Reliance And Perseverance Skills At Home

To help you develop a sense of self-reliance and find new ways to live a resilient life during this ongoing emergency, Carebridge has collected a series of useful resources that will help anyone face challenges with the know-how to get the job done. Whether you want to learn how to cook something new or find a way to keep up your fitness routine at home, these tips and tools will help you build a momentum of success in your life that will reassure you that you’re capable of taking care of yourself and others during this stressful time.

COVID-19: Information for Families with Children

The COVID-19 pandemic has created challenges for families across the country. As more and more schools close, requiring school-age children to remain at home in an effort to promote self-distancing, parents are looking for ways to maintain their responsibilities while supporting the educational needs and development of those in their care.

COVID-19: Information for Older Adults & Caregivers

In the months since the first outbreak of COVID-19, scientists and medical professionals have noted that individuals 60+ years of age can be the most vulnerable to the illness. While anyone with a compromised immune system or preexisting condition may have an increased vulnerability and face greater issues from an infection, older individuals are at risk because they may have age-related concerns—an aging immune system and/or already present medical challenges—that can contribute to the severe respiratory illness that frequently accompanies a COVID-19 infection.

COVID-19: Financial Stability and Support

It’s important to remember that you’re not alone in this situation. Americans across the country–and just like you–are looking for ways to cope with the complexity of this crisis and are finding the support they need to overcome the challenges in front of them. There are resources that can help you address the changes in your life this health emergency may create. From financial information that can help you stretch every dollar to emotional wellbeing resources that can aid in cutting anxiety and reducing stress, there’s something here for you that can make every day a little easier.

Give a colleague a SHOUT OUT!

Let’s share our words of appreciation and gratitude for each other during this challenging time. A SHOUT OUT! is intended to identify and recognize individuals or groups for a noteworthy act or effort. Stay connected, stay strong, stay positive!