HR News

To All of Our Faculty, Staff and Student Employees – We Appreciate You

TODAY is Employee Appreciation Day.  Yes, it may seem as if it is one of those “Hallmark Holidays” designed to ensure that greeting cards are purchased or tailored for local restaurants to capitalize on catering to the lunch crowd.  In fact, National Employee Appreciation Day dates back to 1995, when Dr. Bob Nelson, a founding member of Recognition Professionals International, proposed it as an unofficial holiday.  As with any good academic, Dr. Nelson based his proposal on a study highlighting the important benefits of building employee-employer bonds through proper acknowledgement and that employee satisfaction is critical to an organization’s success.

At Syracuse University, we have over 5,500 employees performing so many roles—faculty, staff, student employees.  Each and every day, our employees complete amazing feats, from teaching, researching, answering questions, processing information and data, fixing our buildings, preparing and serving food, guiding students and prospective students.  The University has a rich history of doing amazing things through its amazing employees, for over 150 years.  Many leaders, managers, supervisors and employees know the importance of recognition and showing appreciation. And employee recognition does not and should not simply be about a one-day event.  There are so many simple ways to recognize employees, including:

  • A hand-written note or brief thank you note, even by email or a text message.   It does not need to be lengthy, but it should be honest, authentic and tailored to a specific accomplishment.
  • Taking the time to stop, reflect and approach a colleague and say, “Hey, I really appreciate you for the work that you did on that project” or “I noticed how you handled that situation.  I appreciate it and I learned that I am going to do the same when I face a similar situation”.
  • In the right situations, sharing recognition and appreciation beyond the individual to a group, team or division, can be inspiring for the individual and also their colleagues.  Even the use of a bulletin board, for a “Kudos Corner”, is a simple way to recognize others.

The opportunities are endless and are only limited by your imagination and assurances that it achieves the simple goal of recognizing that we are all doing amazing things.

Particularly, as these times seem to be uncharted and acutely uncertain with the changes being brought about by abrupt changes directed from Washington, DC, I believe it is even more important going forward this year, to take the time to recognize each other for the amazing things that we do. So, I strongly encourage you to stop on a regular basis and acknowledge the great work of each of our employees through simple acts of gratitude.  And on this Employee Appreciation Day—to our 5,500 PLUS—deepest and sincere THANK YOU FOR BEING AMAZING.


Andrew Gordon
Senior Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer

2025 Drug Free Schools and Campus Act

Every year, Syracuse University releases an informational report on drug and alcohol policy and services. This report is required of all universities, in compliance with the Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act, and gives campus community members information about substance use and abuse, and institutional policies and programs in place to provide intervention and support.

Campus Community Invited to 108th Chancellor’s Review and Awards Ceremony

Syracuse University cordially invites the campus community to the 108th Chancellor’s Review and Awards Ceremony, a distinguished event honoring our Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) cadets, on Friday, March 28, 2025, at 9 a.m. in the JMA Wireless Dome, followed by a brief reception at Club 44. This time-honored tradition, inaugurated on May 4, 1917, by Chancellor James R. Day, underscores the University’s unwavering dedication to military service and mirrors traditional military ceremonies that date back to the Middle Ages.

Faculty, Staff to Participate in 2025 ACC Academic Leaders Network

Five members of the Syracuse University community have been selected to participate in the 2025 Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) Academic Leaders Network.

The program is designed to facilitate cross-institutional networking and collaboration among academic leaders while building leadership capacity at participating ACC institutions.

Faculty, Staff Invited to Participate in This Year’s ‘On My Own Time’ Celebration

The University is pleased to announce its participation in “On My Own Time”—a celebration of local visual arts that highlights the often-unsung artists who create art on their own time.

This year is the 51st anniversary of this program, organized by CNY Arts, and faculty and staff are invited to showcase their talents along with other employers and businesses in the region.

Deadline for 2023 Flexible Spending Account Reimbursement is April 30

For faculty and staff who had a flexible spending account (FSA) through Syracuse University in 2023, the deadline to submit eligible expenses from the previous calendar year (Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2023) for reimbursement is Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Additionally, up to $610 in unused funds from 2023 may be rolled over to a health care FSA for use in 2024. No funds may be carried over to the following calendar year for the dependent care account.

New public health guidance for COVID-19

New Guidance

  • Continue to stay home if sick: If you test positive for COVID-19, you are encouraged to stay home if you are experiencing symptoms such as fever, chills, fatigue, cough and other known respiratory virus symptoms.
  • No longer mandated to isolate: Those with COVID-19 are no longer required to isolate for five days. Instead, according to the NYSDOH, “individuals can go back to normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both of the following are true:
    • symptoms are getting better overall, and
    • they no longer have a fever without the use of fever-reducing medication.”
  • No longer required to report a positive test: Students and faculty and staff who test positive for COVID-19 are no longer required to report that positive test to the Barnes Center and Human Resources, respectively.

How to keep yourself and those around you healthy!

Although isolation and vaccination are no longer required, COVID-19 continues to be present and causes varying degrees of illness. There are several ways you can keep yourself and those around you healthy, including:

  • Get vaccinated: We encourage our community to consider vaccinations against common communicable illnesses, including COVID-19. Students, faculty and staff can search locations offering COVID-19 vaccinations using the Vaccine Finder website. The COVID-19 vaccine is available in the pharmacy at the Barnes Center. Please use the patient portal to make an appointment.
  • Monitor for COVID-like symptoms: If you’re a student, contact the Barnes Center at 315.443.8000 if you are concerned about your symptoms. Barnes Center staff will direct you on what actions to take next. Faculty and staff should contact their primary care provider.
  • Stay home: If you’re experiencing COVID-like symptoms, including a fever, stay home.
  • Wear a mask: If you are feeling under the weather, consider wearing a mask to limit the spread of your symptoms. Anyone who wishes to wear a mask is welcome to do so and should be supported.
  • Exercise good hygiene habits: Cover your cough and sneezes. Wash your hands often. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Clean and disinfect surfaces frequently, especially your residence hall rooms.

The University appreciates your continued cooperation and commitment to a safe and healthy environment for all members of our community. To learn more about public health guidance, please visit the CDC website.

Faculty and Staff Appreciation Night at Men’s Lacrosse Feb. 5

Human Resources and Syracuse Athletics are pleased to offer a ticket discount for Faculty and Staff Appreciation Night at the Orange men’s lacrosse game on Monday, Feb. 5, at 6 p.m. in the JMA Wireless Dome. Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy an evening out with your colleagues, friends and/or family while supporting the Orange and being celebrated for all you do for the University!