Crucial Conversations
Crucial conversations take place in every organization every day. These are conversations where there are high stakes, differences of opinion, and strong emotions. These are conversations around work quality, time management, productivity, performance, customer satisfaction, sensitive issues, conflict, or a strained relationship, for example. Often, individuals avoid having these conversations or they do not handle them well. Either way, this leads to not getting the results you want.
Whenever you’re not getting the results you’re looking for, it’s likely a crucial conversation is keeping you stuck…
Crucial Conversations® is a course that teaches skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional, or risky topics – at all levels of an organization. By learning how to speak and be heard (and encouraging others to do the same), you will begin to surface the best ideas, make the highest-quality decisions, and then act on the decisions with unity and commitment in a respectful way.
Participants will learn to:
- Spot when conversations become crucial
- Hold the right conversations
- Avoid repeatedly having the same conversation
- Understand their own style under stress
- Recognize and diffuse violence and silence
- Clearly identify and express what they really mean
- Separate facts from stories and emotions
- Make it safe for others to speak up
- Make clear decisions and commitments
Program Cost: $350 per participant
This covers the cost of course materials including:
- Crucial Conversations Participant Toolkit
- Cue cards for each lesson in a desktop display case
- Crucial Conversations model card
- A copy of the New York Times bestselling book, Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High
- Crucial Conversations Audio Companion, MP3 download
- Post-training participant website: videos, exercises, assessments, additional reading, and more
Maximum number of participants: 24
Led by Crucial Conversations® Certified Trainer Pam Gavenda, this program is offered in two-hour segments over eight consecutive weeks. Skills learned each week build upon skills from the previous week, so it is critical that you are able to attend all sessions.
In-person (North Campus)
Next offering: TBD Spring 2025
Sign up to be added to the Crucial Conversations wait list and you will be notified when the next sessions are scheduled.
Crucial Influence
Leadership Skills for behavior change – learn how to lead behavior change in your team or organization with hands-on instruction, practice, and application.
In this course, supervisors, managers and leaders will learn how to:
- Influence other’s behavior to make big and small changes inevitable
- Identify the behaviors that will generate desired results
- Use the six sources of influence to diagnose problem behaviors and identify why people struggle to change
- Motivate by tapping into personal values
- Help others learn new skills
- Harness the power of social influence
- Correctly incentivize behaviors.
Program Cost: $350 per participant
This covers the cost of course materials including:
- Crucial Influence Participant Learner Guide
- A copy of the Crucial Influence book
- Post-training participant website: videos, exercises, additional reading, and more
Maximum number of participants: 24
Led by Crucial Conversations® and Crucial Influence® Certified Trainer Pam Gavenda, this program is offered over three consecutive weeks. Skills learned each week build upon skills from the previous week, so it is critical that participants are able to attend all sessions.
In-person (North Campus)
Sign up to be added to the Crucial Influence wait list and you will be notified when the session is scheduled.