The mission of Syracuse University Labor Relations is to promote positive labor-management relations, using an interest-based approach to achieve positive outcomes and support of the University’s overall mission and strategic plan. Syracuse University Labor Relations strives to ensure fair and equitable applications of University policies, processes and provisions of the applicable collective bargaining agreements to the overall benefit of Management and Labor. We engage in litigation avoidance strategies, conflict resolution, grievance management, and mediation to timely address labor and employment matters and find effective resolution.
In sum, Syracuse University Labor Relations, in all its efforts, continually and actively demonstrates its commitment to the University’s mission while simultaneously protecting the interests of its valued unionized team members.
Syracuse University Unions
- SUDPSOU webpage
- Representing Public Safety Officers and Community Service Officers
- Dominick Perioli – President
- SEIU webpage
- SEIU Local 200United – Legacy
- Representing Food Service Workers, Facilities Services Employees and Library Employees
- James Kazmirski – Interim Union Chair
- International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 317 webpage
- Teamsters Local 317
- Representing Parking Employees
- Adjuncts United webpage
- Representing Part-Time Faculty
- Laurel Morton – President
- SGEU webpage
- Representing Graduate Employees on Assistantships
- Scott Phillipson – President
Syracuse University Labor Relations team
- Phone: 315.443.9095
- Email:
- Phone: 315.443.4624
- Email:
- Phone: 315.443.5869
- Email:
- Phone: 315.443.7186
- Email:
- Phone: 315.443.6719
- Email: