Dear Staff:
Following the May Board of Trustees meeting, Kathy Walters, chair of the Board of Trustees, announced that the Board had approved a change to the University bylaws to appoint a staff member as representative to the Board. In that announcement, Chair Walters advised that the Board set a process for making the selection of the staff representative. In follow-up to that announcement, we are now seeking applicants for the staff representative. This email outlines the process for those interested in applying to serve in this key role.
Staff Selection Process:
Any Syracuse University staff member in good standing is invited to apply. For those interested in being considered, please complete this application [PDF] and submit it to
In accordance with the Board of Trustees-approved bylaws, following a review of the applications, I will make a recommendation to Chancellor Kent Syverud of up to three names for his final selection.
Next Steps:
As we work to complete the Board process please be advised of the below key dates:
Deadline to submit applications: Please submit applications by Aug. 7, 2021.
Representative notification: Staff representative will be notified in August.
Training for staff, student, faculty and dean representatives: Will be held in September.
The creation of the staff representative to the Board of Trustees is an important component of the commitment by Board and University leadership to ensure that the Board has an opportunity to hear from all University constituencies. I urge all staff to consider applying for this new leadership representative position.
Andrew R. Gordon
Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resource Officer