Additional COVID-19 Restrictions Lifted

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:

Earlier today, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that 70% of all adults in New York State have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination. Here on the Syracuse campus, 97% of benefits-eligible faculty and staff and nearly 90% of our students who will be on campus this summer are fully vaccinated. With the high vaccination rate statewide, Governor Cuomo has lifted the vast majority of remaining COVID-19 restrictions. As such, Syracuse University is taking corresponding action. Specifically,

  • Effective immediately, you will no longer receive nor are you required to complete the daily health questionnaire. Of course, please continue to monitor your daily health symptoms; if you are ill, we ask that you please stay home.
  • All gathering restrictions impacting University events and venues have been lifted.
  • All capacity restrictions have been eliminated, including in our academic buildings; research facilities; recreational, fitness and dining centers; and Hendricks Chapel, among other campus properties. There are two exceptions to note:
    • The stadium, which, at this time, continues to be subject to New York State COVID guidelines governing large event venues, and
    • Public and on-campus mass transportation, including our shuttles and Centro buses, where New York State has not rescinded the requirement for social distancing and the use of masks for all passengers.

Please note, in accordance with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, unvaccinated individuals must continue to wear masks and maintain 6 feet of distance when gathering in groups. Unvaccinated students, faculty and staff accessing campus this summer should continue to participate in weekly surveillance testing. And, we ask for everyone’s grace as we expect some members of our community will elect to continue wearing masks regardless of vaccination status. Finally, as a reminder, masks continue to be required in health care facilities, including Barnes Health and the Kimmel COVID Testing Center.

Today’s news is welcome as it signals a more robust return to pre-pandemic life. We will keep you updated on any further changes to public health conditions and protocols. We appreciate everyone’s continued commitment to the health and well-being of the campus and surrounding communities.

J. Michael Haynie
Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives and Innovation