Fall 2021 Semester Update

Dear Students, Families, Faculty and Staff:

The midpoint of the semester is fast approaching. Saturday was the first day of spring, bringing a sense of renewal and optimism. All of us need that, perhaps now more than ever. This has been an exceptionally challenging academic year. Beyond our campus, the personal losses and suffering have been especially painful. Through all of this, I have found comfort and hope from all of you. Since our return to campus in August of 2020, our Orange family has responded with grit, grace and greatness. That is why we are here today, and why I have great confidence in our future.

Planning for the Fall

Monday, Aug. 30, will be the first day of classes for the Fall 2021 semester. With wide distribution of vaccines and progress toward achieving herd immunity, we are planning for a fully in-person semester this fall. The University will remain vigilant and cautious as always, follow all the best public health guidance and continue to take care of those who remain at risk. We will do everything possible to support our international students in making their way to campus.

The fall semester will provide a robust academic and co-curricular in-person experience for our students, faculty and staff. It’s too soon to know exactly what conditions with COVID-19 will be like six months from now. But with improving conditions around the region and country, and continued optimism among federal, state and local officials, Syracuse University is planning for a return to more normal operations this fall.

Remaining Vigilant Today

Our enthusiasm is tempered by the reality of where we are today. The pandemic isn’t over. Like so many other universities, Syracuse has recently experienced a spike in positive COVID-19 cases. As a result, the Public Health Team has implemented new measures to mitigate the spread beyond what has already occurred. While our numbers remain manageable, and compared to other universities relatively low, we know how quickly things can change. Please remain vigilant, continue to follow the Stay Safe Pledge and adhere to all public health guidance.

Thank you for your continued cooperation, resilience and commitment to each other. Our community has shown what is possible in the face of adversity. Your actions every day remind me of what it means to be Orange.


Chancellor Kent Syverud